Monday, October 20, 2008


I am so excited to find out that some of the older kids that I know in Odessa are in the process of being adopted! A few weeks ago we found out that our Anya was being adopted. Another teenage girl is also being adopted by this famiy. I am so thankful to God that these girls now have hope and now have a future. They are being adopted by a loving Christian couple who had not actually planned this for thier life. I am adding a little section of their blog ( below. The family who is adopting Anya and Nastya first heard about Nastya from a lady who spoke at their church. Here is what he writes about what God did to his heart:
How did it come about that I went for Nastya? Because a young woman came to my church a year ago last July with a picture of little Nastya and told the story of what was happening to the children at Internot #4 in Odessa. After I knew what was happening there, I could not say no to what God wanted to say to me in my heart. There is something about orphans and God, I think. Orphans must be close to God’s heart. I think it would be hard for a Christian to turn their back on an orphan in need.
I could not say no to God, now that I knew what was needed. I held the card, the one with the picture of Nastya, in my hand. She was a child who was just a picture to me, a child who lived on the other side of the world. I held her card, looked at her and it was clear to me what needed to be done. There was no one coming for Nastya, unless I went, I knew it. It would be me, or she would be left alone. It was very simple, really, in my mind. I must go.
I was not looking for this or planning for this. My life took a definite different direction, but it was as clear and as obvious to me as it would be in helping someone up who just fell down on the ice in front of you. You don’t expect it, you don’t plan on it but when it happens you just do it as naturally as if you sneezed. You just do it because it is in front of you. That is what it was like, this choice to go for Nastya.

There are so many children who need to be adopted. Once they are 16, they cannot be adopted. They finish school and leave the orphanage to live in a "dorm" to
A few more updates about children you are praying for:
Please continue to pray for Vova D and a family to decide to adopt him before his 16th birthday on Oct 27th.
Please pray for the families who are still waiting to be invited to Ukraine to complete their adoptions and for the children who are waiting.
Vladik S has been sick a lot lately and does not look very good. Please pray for his health.

Vladik needs to be adopted as well. I may have posted pictures of him on the blog in the summer. He broke his elbow while we were there and we visited him in the hospital. I'll post them again just in case I didn't earlier.

1 comment:

Our Story: Continued said...

Late night internet surfing landed me on your blog! We go to RCCC and are adopting a little girl in Eastern Europe. I'm glad to have found your blog! Will there be another SACS mission trip to Ukraine?