Tuesday, December 23, 2008
All I really want for Christmas is a family
Merry Christmas!
Monday, October 20, 2008
How did it come about that I went for Nastya? Because a young woman came to my church a year ago last July with a picture of little Nastya and told the story of what was happening to the children at Internot #4 in Odessa. After I knew what was happening there, I could not say no to what God wanted to say to me in my heart. There is something about orphans and God, I think. Orphans must be close to God’s heart. I think it would be hard for a Christian to turn their back on an orphan in need.
I could not say no to God, now that I knew what was needed. I held the card, the one with the picture of Nastya, in my hand. She was a child who was just a picture to me, a child who lived on the other side of the world. I held her card, looked at her and it was clear to me what needed to be done. There was no one coming for Nastya, unless I went, I knew it. It would be me, or she would be left alone. It was very simple, really, in my mind. I must go.
I was not looking for this or planning for this. My life took a definite different direction, but it was as clear and as obvious to me as it would be in helping someone up who just fell down on the ice in front of you. You don’t expect it, you don’t plan on it but when it happens you just do it as naturally as if you sneezed. You just do it because it is in front of you. That is what it was like, this choice to go for Nastya.
There are so many children who need to be adopted. Once they are 16, they cannot be adopted. They finish school and leave the orphanage to live in a "dorm" to
A few more updates about children you are praying for:
Please continue to pray for Vova D and a family to decide to adopt him before his 16th birthday on Oct 27th.
Please pray for the families who are still waiting to be invited to Ukraine to complete their adoptions and for the children who are waiting.
Vladik S has been sick a lot lately and does not look very good. Please pray for his health.
Vladik needs to be adopted as well. I may have posted pictures of him on the blog in the summer. He broke his elbow while we were there and we visited him in the hospital. I'll post them again just in case I didn't earlier.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Valik is found!
Sunday, in church, we were singing, "You are God Alone". God spoke to me so strongly during the song. He reminded me that He is on His throne and He is with Valik and that He would take care of him. He asked me to trust Him. I still prayed non-stop for Valik but I had the peace of knowing God was taking care of him. Of course, I knew that, but wasn't really believing it in my heart. It's hard when you are so very far away and can't be there to do anything. It's wonderful to know that God is everywhere and He cares about everything in our lives. I am also so thankful to all of you who were praying.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I am asking for some prayer for one of the boys I've grown very close to in Odessa, Ukraine. His name is Valik and he's 13 or 14 years old. I'll post some pictures of him so you can put a name to his face. His half brother, Artyr, and I were talking on Skype earlier this evening. [Skype is a free program which allows you to talk on the computer with a microphone and/or video camera. Very cool.]Artyr told me that Valik is missing. He had been visiting his grandmother and now is gone. He had left Camp Victoria ealier this summer to be with his grandmother. He visits her on the weekends I think. According to the director of the orphanage, Valik took clothes that did not belong to him. Artyr tried to get the clothes back but wasn't able to. Artyr's English isn't great and I have no Russian skills so I don't always understand all the details. What I understand is...Valik is missing. He's not at school, not at the orphanage, and not at his grandmother's. Artyr has looked at the police station and he looks for him on the streets and has not found him. Many of the boys are tough and street wise but Valik is sweet, gentle, and kind and I can't even imagine him out on the streets. Please pray for his safety and that he would return to the orphanage.
Artyr is one of the young men who may be coming to school here in San Antonio. He and Vova have already sent in their application for the International Student Program that we have at San Antonio College. If everything is approved and they receive their student visas, they will be able to come! That will be so awesome!
On another note:
This past Thursday our Ukraine mission team spoke at our chaple service at school. Several of the girls shared experiences that we had in the Ukraine. We had a time of praise and worship and then surprised everyone when Igor spoke to the group through Skype. His deep voice and Russian accent came booming through the speakers and everyone loved listening to him talk about Fontanka.
It was an awesome service!
One more thing:
I have a little article in the August and September issue of the Christian Beacon.
You can see it on line as well. http://www.christianbeacon.com/ and then go to "see on line". I just read the September issue and noticed some grammar problems but it's too late now. I had the hardest time proof reading this article for some reason. Actually, I wrote it with a very heavy heart (very late at night) because I had just met and had dinner with some friends of mine who are missionaries. As we talked about our hopes and dreams in this mission, I felt very discouraged and overwhelmed. The article was due the next morning and I went home and trashed what I already wrote and then wrote this one. No matter how hard or impossible things seem, God has a plan and God is in control. All that matters is that we give the orphans His hope and His promises and I plan to do that any way God leads me. No matter how hard it is or how overwhelmed I feel.
Thank you for you prayers. God loves the orphans and the widows; the sick and the lonely; the loveless and the abandoned. I'm so thankful we have a God who loves us so much!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
pictures on line. click on links below:
I can't figure out how to put these web pages on the blog page so that they are on the side. I want them clicked on like a slide show. SO...I'm just putting the addresses here for now.
Eventually I will get all the team to put their pictures on a web page that can be clicked on from the blog as well. That way you see more of the team and less of the DeFrees family. These are the only pictures I have access to as of now. But I know you will enjoy them and you will see everyone on the team and practically every child from Fontanka and from Camp Viktoria.
Here are some albums you can click on and see. Again...there are hundreds! SO...if you are going to check them out, get your cup of coffee, get comfy, put your feet up, and be ready for the Spirit to move in your heart. If God prompts you to do something/anything to help these precious orphans, you just let us know! There is much to be done! : )
Here are three links to pictures: There is also a video of Sarah and Dana below.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Good news about Dima!
Some of you have been in prayer for Dima. Thank you so much! Valerie has confirmed that he had his disease as a child and is fine now.
Continue to pray for him. He is still struggling with becoming a Christian..he feels he will let God down. Living where he lives, he feels he will continue living his life the same way and that he will continue to make wrong choices.
Dima wants to come to America. He wants a family to love him and teach him and accept him. This is his dream so we will continue to pray for this for him.
If it is possible to bring him over on a student visa (which will be hard simply because he "belongs" to the State) we will strive for this at LEAST.
Pray for Dima!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Pictures coming soon!!!
We are all already missing our kids and translator friends so much. My sweet friend, Vova, came to the airport in the middle of the night to say good bye. I still see his face every time I close my eyes. I want to bring him home with me so badly. Quite a few of our sweet friends who translate for us came to see us off and help us with all our luggage. We love them so much!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Jet lag will stay with us for quite a while. On top of that, we are emotionally and physically drained and will go through a time of sadness as we adjust to leaving our kids. Facing every day life is an adjustment so families have to be patient. This is a time that the enemy will be attacking so please continue to lift us up in prayer. We appreciate you so much!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Our days are going by very quickly. It always amazes me how we instantly fall completely in love with the kids. It is an instant, deep love that God just pours through you. It's not something that can be explained and it's not something that can be totally understood by those who have not experienced it. In fact, my husband has mentioned that to me several times on this trip. He now sees why I'm all messed up and why I wear my dorky beaded braclets that "my kids" made me and why I can be so in love with these kids.
Our experiences at Fontanka have been sweet. The boys are willing to do anything we ask them to do whether it's listening to a Bible story, do relays, or crafts. Even the "too cool" boys who wouldn't make a craft at least watch the others. I was able to convince one boy to make one for Babushka Lela since he wouldn't make one for himself.
Igor told me that one of the oldest boys came and sat by him on the bench. He told him, "Thank you for not forgetting us." Igor said it meant so much to the boy that we come to see them. We look forward to spending the morning with them today as we will be sharing the Salvation message with them.
Gary is head over hills in love with a boy named Viktor. Two Viktor's are special to him but one has stollen his heart. He wants to pack him in a bag and bring him home. Of course, those of you reading this who have been there before know exactly how he's feeling.
Yesterday we spent the morning on the Black Sea with the Camp Viktoria kids. There wasn't much to do because the teachers no longer let them go over to the concrete wall to jump and swim. They have to stay in a roped area to swim where they can all be closely watched. We played catch and wrote with sidewalk chalk and just hung out. Most of the team swam with the kids for a while too. Gary just had to jump off the "bridge thing" that he had heard so much about. He didn't want to miss out on the opportunity just incase it was his only one. I'm fine with not experiencing that!
God answered my prayer that I would see my Vova while I was here. I mention him in my PassionForUkraine web page from last summer. I had to say good bye to him at McDonalds and thought I'd never see him again. He was finished with school and had plans to continue school and learn to cook so he could be a cook on the sea. Monday as we piled out of the van I heard commotion on the other side. Through the window I saw Mike hugging someone. When I saw that it was Vova I screamed and ran to him. He was so happy to be with us and I was never happier to see him in my life! Yesterday at camp the director made him leave, but as least I got to send some time with him and had already made him a bracelet and gave him a Russian CBC CD (thanks again Ray!!!) which he loved very much. He listened to it the night I gave it to him and he loved it. God is good! All the time!
We sat and watch relays all evening. As boring as this is, it's not bad because our kids sit with us and they can't get close enough or get hugged enough. We just sit and bond and love on them. I was on the top row of the bleachers last night and I scanned over the crowd. Everyone of our team members were surrounded with kids. Arms around each other, talking, smiling, rubbing backs, and just pouring out love. The kids soak up everything they receive. Ben was surrounded by his girls. Every time I looked over to where they were sitting he was looking at them and they were all smiles as he talked to them in his Russian accent. Emily and Sara have several kids who never leave their sides. They are being the hands and voice of Jesus. Merry, Chels, Danny (who keeps us very entertained at all times), Dana, and Misha are just wonderful with their kids. There is a deep respect and love that has been growing the last 1 to 5 years with their kids. Mike (who is Misha 'round these parts) has seen many of these kids grow up from age 10. Now they are 14 or 15 or 16 and they love and respect Mike so much. One of the little boys came up to him yesterday and hugged him and said "You are GOOD BOY!" : ) This is Vladik, Emily's boy who is now Ben's boy, who is really everyone's boy. He's a little stinker but he's full of love and joy.
This is long, I know, but God is doing so much and I know those of you at home want to know how your kids are doing and how the trip is going.
The relay time was almost over last night and one of the teenage boys started trying to take Bill's sunglasses. It became a little game which all the other teen agers thought was pretty funny. Bill just played a long for a while but then as more boys came to sit with the group they all began to talk. Bill had already shared his testimony with many of them earlier and even though they were way too cool to talk to the American at first, now they love him and stay with him all evening. Last night Bill began to share the Gospel and Igor joined right in to translate. Some were laughing and playing around at first but by the time they were done talking, it was very quiet and serious. They asked Igor a lot of questions and they were truely being moved by the Spirit. It was dinner time for the kids while this was going on, so all of us had to go to the gate while the men had this wonderful time with the boys.
Even though we have not had an organized teaching time at Viktoria, God is stirring in the hearts and opening doors for His Word to be taught.
Remember that we are 8 hours ahead so please be praying as we share the message of God's forgivness and Salvation today. Also, it's Gary's birthday today and he doesn't know we know (thanks Facebook) so we have a little breakfast surprise for him. Be in prayer for Bill and Misha as well. This is their last day with the kids. They leave at 5:20 Friday morning. They will be sad and torn to leave but they both have to return to their jobs. Plus my 3 boys at home will be happy to have their daddy home, no matter how messed up he is now. : )
We feel your prayers and God's presence and peace. We all love you and talk of home with each other often. Your kids are awesome!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
We are here!
We had a good flight and were only an hour behind schedule when we landed in Odessa. It was very exciting seeing Lela, Viktor, and Valerie. Valerie is our translator who is helping us set up our schedules with the different places that we want to minister in.
We were taken to our "hotel/church/kindergarten" and unpacked a little and ate dinner.
Later in the evening we were reunited with our sweet translator friends, Tolik and Igor. We talked and laughed until late in the evening.
Saturday morning, our team left to go to visit the boys who live at a place called Fontanka. This is the institution that Igor and Lela visit every Sunday. These boys are homeless and most of them are orphans. Some have escaped from orphanages and some just have no one to take care of them for one reason or another. The director and his wife seem to really love these boys. They are giving them structure, love, food, and an education.
We enjoyed playing soccer, volleyball, and other games with the 19 boys who were there.
After Fontanka and lunch, we drove out to Camp Viktoria to talk with the director about us coming to teach in the late afternoons. We were told that he would probably say no because they will have activities already planned. We have all been praying for God to soften the director's heart and we have been praying for God's will to be done. We want to serve where ever He opens a door.
The meeting with the director went very well and he gave us permission to at least come to their activities and possibly teach. We were even invited to come to their "disco" for that evening. I can't even tell you how excited we were about that! We had to leave and come back when it was time.
This will be too long if I tell story after story of happy reunions, so I will just say the reunion was very sweet and we were all so happy to see each other. The newby's on the team quickly made new, life long friends of their own.
On Sunday we went to Tolik's church and then shopping later in the day.
WHEW....sorry...I know it's long. I know family members are all wondering how everyone is doing so I want to put some detail in this post.
Our team had a great time doing activities, a Bible story, and craft with the boys. They loved every minute of it. Some had the "I'm too cool" thing going for a while but that mask was removed by the time they had to go in for lunch.
Our afternoon with our kids at Camp Viktoria was very rewarding even though we did not get to do anything organized. We spent a lot of time just bonding with them and getting to know them. Bill was able to share his testimony with the older guys who are very harden. I think they were counselors there. Once they all started talking they had a lot of questions for Bill and were very interested in his answers.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I will try to up date every day that we can. It isn't always easy to get into the office to use the computer but we will always try.
The team is doing great and they are willing to do anything that is asked of them. There is a lot of team work as we work on preparing for each day. Everyone jumps in and does their part.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Planning night
The picture of the man holding the puppet is my husband, Bill. This is his first trip to Ukraine and I know God is going to do amazing things through him and to him! The cute things you see on a few people's heads were supposed to be jump ropes. I ordered some things from Oriental Trading and I thought I was ordering jump ropes. They ended up being rope rings instead. The boys all decided that they made cool head gear, so we all wore them the whole evening. I don't think we'll wear them on the plane, as they suggested, however!
Oh, by the way, the puppet did not have braids when we got to the house. Now she is sporting beautiful braids, beads, and a bracelet....We found out Danny has many talents!
Please continue to pray for us as I know you will. Every thing is coming along nicely and God is already moving and preparing hearts.
We have been ministering to this orphan camp the last 5 years and we know that the harvest is here for many of the kids. We also know that we will be planting fresh seeds in others. We pray that the counselors would also be open to the Word.
Pray especially for the director of the camp. If HE received Jesus as his savior...WOW! I can only begin to imagine what God can do with this man.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Almost time to go!
Please keep us in prayer as we plan and prepare. I don't think we are fully funded yet, but God is providing as we are still receiving donations from those God has called to give. We are so very thankful for you who have given and for you who are praying. Please pray for us to be healthy, full of the Spirit, have safe travel, and for us to follow God's lead in all that we do and say. We also ask that you pray for the children and the directors and couselors so that their hearts will be ready and open for His Word. Many of the orphanage workers have seen us come every year. We want to minister to them and show God's love to them as well.
God is good! All the time! We praise and worship Him for all He is and for all He is doing and all He is going to do.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Father Daughter Banquet

We are so excited about an upcoming fund raiser.
Please pray that we will be able to get everything done that we need to get done so that this is a great success. We have a lot of work to be done and will need prayer and God's super natural power to do all that we need to do.
Once I figure out how to do all the cool stuff on this blog, I will add pictures of the banquet.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Getting ready
For some, it is their first trip. For others, it is the 2nd, 4th, or 5th trip. No matter how many times we have gone, we are all so excited about going to Odessa, Ukraine!
We are in the middle of making our plans, buying our tickets, raising our money, and planning fund raisers.
Our team will be going to a summer camp for orphans. The camp is called "Victoria". We will also be going back to a small orphanage that we have gone to the last 6 years. We have made some strong connections with the directors and the children and they look forward to our return visits almost as much as we look forward to going back. We also have strong relationships with our translators, who love the Lord and who love the children.
We'll get back to you with more information as we make our plans.
To see information and pictures from last year, see WWW.PassionForUkraine.com